. Cartoon book: Flash - The Fastest Man Alive, Book 1

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Flash - The Fastest Man Alive, Book 1

Flash - The Fastest Man Alive, Book 1: Lightning in a Bottle
Flash - The Fastest Man Alive, Book 1: Lightning in a Bottle

By Heatwave the Rogue (Michigan)

Bart Allen started his fictional superhero career as an annoyance to Wally West and then as comic relief in his own "Impulse" series. These writers took this character and answered the question of "What happens when Bart Allen grows up and becomes The Flash?" and they do it strong.
Don't let the fanboys influence you on the internet about this one, it's a fun read that only people that can't bear to see someone else beneath the mask will tell you it's terrible. It's not bad, in fact it's very very good.

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